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In The Media

Who wouldn't dream of seeing your designs coming to life on the big or small screen? How about seeing your creations shining in live theatre? Recollections is proud to be in the media as a part of television productions as well as having been the subject of a local network spotlight. We support the local arts by providing costumes for community theatre productions. We've also been recognized for the quality of our clothing!

Sharp Objects

What do you do when Hollywood comes knocking on your door? You answer the call of Sharp Objects! Sharp Objects is the new eight-episode HBO series that went into production in May. It is based on the 2006 debut novel by Gillian Flynn (Gone Girl). The series stars Amy Adams (Arrival) as Camille Parker, a reporter who returns to her hometown to cover the murders of two young girls. She is also dealing with her own demons. Chris Messina (Damages, The Mindy Project) co-stars as Kansas City Detective Richard Willis who assists in the small-town investigation. Others with recurring parts include David Sullivan, Reagan Pasternak, Sydney Sweet, Hillary Ward, Will Chase, Jackson Hurst, and Jennifer Aspen. The series is written by Marti Noxon and directed by Jean Marc Vallee.

The episode in which you will see Recollections fashions centers around the Founder's Day celebration in Camille's hometown. The town was founded during the Civil War and the characters dress up for the celebration. These ladies were mostly outfitted by us. We also made a lot of the hats!

So how did we come to the attention of the costume supervisor, Shawn? She found us through an online search! Shawn grew up in Grosse Point, Michigan and when she saw that we're located in Hawks, Michigan, she felt an instant camaraderie with us. Shawn felt that we would be a good match for her needs before we finished our first phone conversation.

An initial order for four dresses quickly grew to eight. Over the course of three weeks, a total of three dozen (36) dresses, and a dozen (12) each of crinolines, hats, and boots were ordered. It was a very challenging order with tight deadlines, but we got everything done and delivered to California in time for filming!

When Shawn received the dresses, they had to go the "aging and distressing" specialists to make the dresses look as though they were old and worn. See for a description of the specialty.

We enjoyed the challenge and the experience of supplying costumes for Sharp Objects. Yes, we love to do clothing for TV, theater, films, and of course, we would do it again! We look forward to it.

Thank you, Shawn, for sharing these wonderful photos and for allowing us to use them!

True West Magazine

True West Magazine has been keeping the West alive for its readers since 1953. Today's 312,000+ print media readers, as well as those who make up more than 350,000 page views at their Web site, take Western history and legends seriously. Each year, True West polls its readers and editors for the best in Western fashions. The categories voted on are Best Western Bootmaker, Best Western Hatmaker, Best Western Clothing Maker, and Best Period Western Clothing Maker. In 2011 and 2015, Recollections was chosen Best Period Western Clothing Maker!

The Good Wife

We had a very exciting time when the costume department of the CBS production, The Good Wife, called. They were looking for a particular style Victorian blouse for one of their quirkier characters, Elsbeth Tascioni, portrayed by Carrie Preston. The blouse had to be as unique as Elsbeth's personality. Costume designer Daniel Lawson's team knew where to turn for their needs. They found what they were looking for in our catalog!

Everyone was abuzz as sewing machines stitched their way through five identical blouses with one big exception; all but one of the blouses had to have buttons that were only held on by a thread. Speculations were made as to how the blouses would be used. In what kind of situation would Elsbeth find herself? Would she be in dire straits? Well, when the buttons flew off the blouse, there was the scent of Old Spice in the air!

Another Period

Around the same time CBS was calling, Comedy Central was starting production on a new series from Ben Stiller called Another Period. The show is set in Newport, Rhode Island around the turn of the 20th century. In addition to some of the servants' ensembles, two of our dresses were part of season 1.

If you are not familiar with Another Period, here's a brief description. Take two sisters, a la the Kardashians, follow them around like a reality series and see where Ben Stiller and his team take you. It is also a parody of Downton Abbey. The show stars its creators, Natasha Leggero and Riki Lindhome.

When Calls the Heart

Another place where you can see us in the media is on the Hallmark Channel television series When Calls the Heart. It is a fish out of water story of a young teacher who moves to the Canadian frontier during the Edwardian era. The show stars Erin Karkow as Elizabeth Thatcher, an independent, strong-willed, passionate and dedicated woman who left a life of privilege behind to educate the children of a small mining town in Western Canada. Also starring is Lori Loughlin as Abigail Stanton, a woman from the town who recently lost her husband and son in a coal mining accident. We've provided several costumes for this series.

WBKB Insights Series

We were very fortunate to be in the media as a part of WBKB's (Alpena, Michigan) Insights series. It is a local public affairs show that airs on Sunday mornings. Alexandra Johnson and her crew came out to the shop then accompanied us on a photo shoot with Jennifer Adkins in Rogers City. Everyone made us feel at ease and it was almost like the camera wasn't there. We were able to take her on a tour of the shop where all the magic happens, introducing her to some of our seamstresses and other workers.

Somewhere in Time Weekend

There are many places in the media where you will find Recollections garments. One is at the Somewhere in Time weekend that takes place each autumn on Michigan's Mackinac Island. Our customers are easily recognizable and are often approached when touring the island during this celebration.


The Single Action Shooting Society and the Cowboy Action Shooting Society honor marksmanship while celebrating the American Old West. They also do re-enactments. All members compete wearing historically accurate clothing. Some of their participants also wear Recollections garments, including Linda Duncan, better known as Billie Sioux, the 2015 Virginia Ladies' Fast Draw State Champion. Recollections is proud to support this group of Wild West preservationists by donating gift certificates.


There are many historical sites to visit in the South, perhaps none prettier than a plantation. Oak Alley and other plantations' docents are often clothed in historically accurate garments. Some of them come from Recollections! We are happy to be part of the preservation of the past in the United States.

Community Theatre

Recollections partnered with Rogers City Community Theatre on the 2016 production of My Fair Lady. There were many oohs and aahs as RCCT's Eliza Doolittle entered wearing a Recollections designs inspired by the movie! We were very happy to donate our time and talent to our local community theatre troupe to celebrate the 60th anniversary of its debut on Broadway!