Shop Gloves, Muffs

Black Satin Wrist Length Gloves in stock ready to ship
Black Lace Gloves in stock and ready to ship
White Opera Length Satin Gloves in stock and ready to ship
Victorian Satin Lined  Fur Muff
Black Opera Gloves in stock and ready to ship
Winter Dreams Regency Hand Muff
Black Fingerless Lace Ruffle Gloves - in stock
Ivory Opera Length Satin Gloves in stock and ready to ship
White Satin Elbow Length Gloves in stock ready to ship
Ivory Satin Elbow Length Gloves in stock ready to ship
White Satin Wrist Length Gloves in stock ready to ship
Ivory Satin Wrist Length Gloves in stock ready to ship

More than just hand warmers, muffs and gloves were status symbols for Victorian women. Like every other fashion piece during the era, these cold weather accessories became quite extravagant. Commonly decorated with lace and ribbons, muffs were first utilized by the ancient Romans to protect their hands from the cold. Men and women alike used the hand warmer throughout the ages. Men often tied the warmers around their waists in the 1600s, similar to how NFL quarterbacks wear their hand warmers today. The style was eventually rejected by men, as they saw it as impractical.

Gloves were considered an indispensable accessory by both men and women. Women's gloves were often short and lightly colored. Evening gloves were tighter and longer, often extending up past the elbow. Evening gloves were made of fine fabrics like satin and kidskin. These gloves were considered status symbols and obligatory for complete evening wear. When attending an event, it wasn't uncommon for men and women to bring extra pairs to a ball to ensure for a flawless appearance throughout the night.

Here at Recollections, we have many styles of gloves and muffs suitable for any activity. Our satin gloves are perfect for an opera, while our muff is great for a stroll in the park. Coming in a variety of fabrics and lengths, our gloves and muffs are of the highest quality. Perfect your Victorian evening ensemble with a pair of our gloves or a muff!