Advent and Johann Hinrich Wichern

By | November 26th, 2017|Categories: Holidays, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , , |

The Advent wreath wasn’t invented by the Victorians, but its modernization came about during the period and its place among Christian traditions was solidified during the era. We have Johann Hinrich Wichern to thank for the Advent wreath we recognize today.  So, who was this man? Johann Hinrich Wichern was born on April 21, 1808, [...]

Caption This! Thanksgiving 2017

By | November 22nd, 2017|Categories: Contests and Games, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , , , |

Thanks for playing our Thanksgiving 'Caption This!' Contest. Congratulations to all of the winners! The judges had a hard time making a decision. So many good submissions were sent in! Read the winning entries below. We compiled nine vintage Thanksgiving greetings the 'Caption This!' Thanksgiving 2017 contest. We're looking for interesting captions in the Victorian [...]

Thanksgiving Crossword 2017

By | November 21st, 2017|Categories: Contests and Games, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , |

Welcome to the final day of our Thanksgiving Crossword 2017. Today, we reveal the consonant M (we have to leave a little challenge!). There are no letters J, X, or Z in the puzzle. So how do you play and what do you win? We're running the contest November 21 - 27, midnight Pacific Time. Check this [...]

Why we should remember Lydia Maria Child

By | November 19th, 2017|Categories: Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations, Women's History|Tags: , , , , |

Who was Lydia Maria Child? Why should we know her name? Well, this fierce activist was one of the bravest women of her time, AND she is a part of each of our holiday celebrations each year. Intrigued? Keep reading to learn about this social justice warrior and add to your holiday conversation starters this [...]

Helen Allingham, acclaimed Victorian commercial artist and watercolorist

By | November 8th, 2017|Categories: Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , , , , , |

Have you heard of Helen Allingham? You may recognize some of her stunning artwork. Either way, we love highlighting female artists here at Recollections and hope you will love learning about this woman who deserves to be remembered! Early artist Helen Allingham was born Helen Mary Elizabeth Paterson on September 26, 1848, in Derbyshire, England. [...]

The Covered Wagon: shaper of American history

By | November 4th, 2017|Categories: Old West, Pioneer Dress, Victorian Era|Tags: , , , , |

From the horse carts of the ancient Celts, the carriages of the ancient Chinese, and the chariots of the Mesopotamians, humans have been using animals and wheeled vehicles as transportation for millennia. It was the mode of transportation responsible for shaping American history. Without the covered wagon westward expansion would have been much harder. From [...]

Halloween Candy Counting Contest 2017

By | October 30th, 2017|Categories: Contests and Games, Halloween|Tags: , |

Welcome to our Halloween Candy Counting Contest 2017! Halloween and candy go hand-in-hand and we know how much you enjoy this kind of contest so it is a natural fit.  The contest starts on October 30th and ends on Wednesday, November 1st at midnight Pacific Time. Winners will be notified by on Thursday, November 2nd. [...]

Halloween Greetings Contest 2017 – Win a $100 Gift Certificate

By | October 28th, 2017|Categories: Contests and Games, Halloween, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , , |

We have another contest for you! We're calling it the "Halloween Greetings Contest 2017." To participate, find the words and recreate the greeting. Once you think you have the greeting, you may enter through the comments section of this post (all are moderated and will not be shown). You may also email it to us using [...]

Sleeping Bear Inn: Victorian Charm on Lake Michigan

By | October 23rd, 2017|Categories: Destinations, Fashion, Pioneer Dress, Victorian Era|Tags: , , , , , , |

Once a year, my husband and I head out on an anniversary adventure. This year we visited Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on the Leelanau Peninsula in Michigan but had no idea our travels would take us to the Sleeping Bear Inn. After climbing the Empire Bluff, we headed to Glen Haven to visit the [...]