Victorian Maternity Wear

By | February 9th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

  We don’t have much material written about pregnancy in Victorian times, as the topic was strictly off-limits. It was illegal to publish information about birth control. In the literature of the day, authors were masters at “producing” a child without any mention of the pregnancy which must certainly have preceded the event. [...]

Dressing for the Titanic

By | February 7th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

With 2012 marking the 100th anniversary of the voyage of the Titanic, several cruise lines have scheduled memorial voyages to commemorate this event.  Other venues are also planning special activities as well. For example, the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island will be having a “Titanic at the Grand” event, May 4th -6th.  Events will include [...]

100 Years after the Sinking of the Titanic

By | January 26th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

  This year marks the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic, which went down on April 14th, 1912. No other maritime disaster has captured the public’s attention like this one. The story of her sinking continues to be the subject of stage, cinema and literature. While this may well be the greatest maritime [...]

Victorian Sugar Plums

By | November 22nd, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

“And visions of sugarplums danced in their heads..” Have you ever wondered what a sugarplum was? In Victorian times these candied fruits were a traditional Christmas treat. We found a recipe on the “Earthbound Farm” website , and thought you might like to try it. Please keep in mind that these need to “mellow” for about [...]

Victorian Calling Cards

By | November 18th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

One of the more delightful rituals Victorians practiced was the art of making social calls. In a time when the telephone was not in common use, social calls were a way to keep in touch, especially if one was interested in climbing the social ladder. An integral part of visiting was the use of the [...]

Lauren Hazlett, 1st Runner Up Miss Michigan USA 2012 !

By | November 3rd, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

Our writer, Sue McDonald, interviewed Lauren last week:  “What girl doesn’t want to try on the most beautiful dresses every month?”  This comment comes from Recollections’ own Lauren Hazlett, who has been modeling for Recollections since 2009. Lauren says she adores working with Recollections. She loves working with the other models, and with Marianne, and [...]

Victorian Keepsakes: Hair Work

By | October 25th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

If I should from this world Depart you'd have a bit of my Hair my hand and heart if we Could no more each other see You could still remember me  Quoted in " On Women and Friendship: a Collection of Victorian Keepsakes and Traditions"   Starr Ockenga  Stewart, Tabori & Chang- New York---    During the [...]

What about Snoods?

By | October 25th, 2011|Categories: Uncategorized|

Have you seen the lovely snood among Recollections newest products? The snood – historically worn by European women - has a very long history, and the word is first recorded in Old English sometime around A.D. 725. Snoods were widely worn in the Middle Ages, and the term “snood” was applied to a variety of [...]

Durango & Silverton Train Ride

By | September 21st, 2011|Categories: Fashion, Uncategorized, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , , , |

The mountain air is crisp in the early October morning and we can see our own breath as we make our way into the historic train station in Durango, Colorado. Today we (about 200 Victorian-clad time travelers) will board a special run of the Durango and Silverton railroad as one of the events during the [...]