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So far recollections has created 699 blog entries.

Victorian Hats: Bonnets, caps, and more!

By | February 20th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Throughout the entire Victorian Era, hats were a major component to wardrobes. A hat could make or break an outfit in the same way that dress colors and hairstyles could. However, because the era lasted so long, the style of hats changed just as drastically as the style of dresses. Just as there were bustles [...]

Wedding Traditions from the Victorian Era

By | February 18th, 2015|Categories: Victorian Era|Tags: |

It’s crazy to think about where our traditions come from. The unexplained reasons behind why we do what we do sometimes bring us comfort, but when we learn their origins, they become even more meaningful . Many of the traditions that we still hold in weddings today are from the Victorian Era, over 100 years [...]

Victorian Shoes: Booting the boot and bringing in the heel

By | February 17th, 2015|Categories: Victorian Era|Tags: , |

When you imagine the Victorian era, you probably imagine huge sunhats, enormous dresses, gloves, lace, jewels, and decadence. In fashion, when an era is simplistic, the era after it usually is extreme. The simplicity of the Regency era meant only that the Victorian Era would be grander than ever. However, a part of the outfit [...]

Downton Abbey S5 E 7: Everybody’s got a boyfriend

By | February 16th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Between Rose, Isobel, Mary, and the Dowager, everybody this episode’s got a boyfriend! But before we go too far, if you've missed out on the last episode, check out our recap! The Dowager and Aunt Rosamund try to catch Cora and tell her the truth about Edith and the mysterious Marigold, but Mrs. Drewe beats [...]

Valentine’s Day and the Victorians

By | February 13th, 2015|Categories: Civil War, Fashion, Uncategorized, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , , |

  Valentine's Day History   Robert McNamara, and expert in 19th century history relates that St. Valentine's Day celebrations date back to at least the Middle ages when the day was observed as Choose Your Romantic Partner Day "because it was believed that birds began mating on that day." (McNamara "History of St. Valentine's Day [...]

Looking at the Victorian Style Dress: Get Specific

By | February 12th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Because of films and movies, the Victorian era is idealized and envied. For Halloween and parties and reenactments, all some people want is to be able to dress in a Victorian Style dress, but what does that really mean? The Victorian Era lasted roughly seventy years and was named so, because that was the entire [...]

First Female Buffalo Soldier

By | February 10th, 2015|Categories: Civil War, Old West, Women's History|Tags: , , , , , , |

How did Cathay Williams become the first female Buffalo Soldier?   Overview   Although African Americans have served in every American war, it wasn't until 1866 that Congress passed legislation to create six all African American army units; two cavalry (9th and 10th regiments) and four infantry (38th, 39th, 40th, and 41st regiments). The infantry [...]

Downton Abbey S5 E6: Edith Goes Missing and Mary gets a Haircut

By | February 9th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

Before we get started, if you've missed out on the last episode, check out our recap here!   At the start of the episode, we learn that Edith’s man-friend in Germany was killed by Nazis (the horrible men in tan shirts). And, right on cue, Mary is completely unsympathetic to Edith’s grief, and not only [...]

Style Gallery: Best of 2014

By | February 4th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorized|

The Recollections Style Gallery that the wonderful folks over at 216digital created for us, gives us an opportunity to see our customers in our clothes, and it gives you an opportunity to see what the Recollections wardrobe looks like on others. We've loved seeing your pictures on the Style Gallery, and we’re happy that we've [...]