For anyone who is familiar with the popular British television show Downton Abbey, you have probably seen your fair share of fan fiction and parodies of the show. And, for as much as we love the show, it leaves itself open to some pretty harsh jokes. With its ridiculous plot twists, sudden deaths, and the ever witty Dowager Countess, Downton Abbey is a show that begs its viewers to make fun of it. And, CollegeHumor’s recent video-parody of the show to the tune of Bruno Mars’s “Uptown Funk” is one of the funniest examples of a parody that we’ve seen yet. The video “Downton Funk” follows the same setup as the music video for “Uptown Funk,” so if you’ve seen both it will be even funnier. However, we also know how much our customers love Downton, and we wanted to share this with them because we enjoy it too.


CollegeHumor has a whole line of parody videos, but this is the only one that we’ve seen about Downton Abbey. If you like this video, you should check out their other parodies of other pop culture standards, like Batman and Game of Thrones. Their productions are always high quality, which is partially what makes their parody and satire so compelling. Even if you don’t watch Downton Abbey regularly, you will end up laughing because the costumes and singing are so good. In this particular parody, they’ve chosen actors that look similar to some of our characters, so keep an eye out for Edith, Mary, and Thomas. They even reference specific events in the show, like the death of the Turkish prince in Mary’s bed and Edith’s illegitimate baby. Click below to watch “Downton Funk,” and get ready to laugh! And remember, “Downton funk you up!”