Another Period on Comedy Central: Recollections Stars Again!

By | June 23rd, 2015|Categories: Accessories, Downton Abbey, Edwardian Era, Entertainment, Recollections, Victorian Era|

Another Period airs tonight on Comedy Central at 10PM, right after Amy Schumer. This looks like a night of serious laughs. Another Period follows the Bellacourts, a ridiculously wealthy family in 1900s Rhode Island. Think of it like Downton Abbey meets Keeping Up With The Kardashians—a spoof on reality TV with an all-star cast in [...]

What is a Chatelaine?

By | May 20th, 2015|Categories: Accessories, Jewelry, Trinkets|

The versatile chatelaine has been worn over the centuries by women all over the world. Women in ancient Rome wore chatelaines with ear scoops, nail cleaners, and tweezers. Women in Roman Britain wore 'chatelaine brooches', and in the 16th century wealthy Dutch ladies wore them as watch chains. In spite of the great variety of [...]

Creatures of Habit

By | March 26th, 2015|Categories: Accessories, Ball Gowns, Civil War, Fashion, Roaring 20s, Uncategorized, Victorian Era|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Creatures of Habit Background Creatures of Habit is a true costume emporium offering more than 19,000 costumes and 500,000 authentic period garments and accessories for rent or purchase. They are much more than that, too! Jack Cody and Natalya Haden opened Creatures of Habit in 1987 with the intent of costuming Paducah and the surrounding [...]

Heartfelt Thanks to You!

By | January 16th, 2015|Categories: Accessories, Ball Gowns, Civil War, Downton Abbey, Fashion, Hats, Old West, Thank You, Uncategorized, Victorian Era Celebrations|

  Heartfelt thanks... Recollections loves our clients! You are our lifeblood; the heart of who we are and why we do what we do. What better time to show our love and say "thank you" than Valentine's Day?  Hearts, flowers, and romance fill the air.  Romance and Recollections fashions go hand-in-hand, just like taking a [...]

Oh! Those Roaring 20’s!

By | May 28th, 2012|Categories: 1920s fashion, Accessories, Downton Abbey, Roaring 20s|Tags: , , , , |

Oh! Those Roaring 20’s! The older generation must have been convinced that the world was rushing down the road to perdition, as their daughters took full advantage of newfound freedoms. This was the age of jazz, women’s liberation, and a sudden loosening – indeed smashing - of the rules of society that were iron-clad only [...]

Those Fabulous Gloves!

By | April 27th, 2011|Categories: Accessories|Tags: , , , , |

My love affair with gloves began shortly after my husband and I joined a re-enactment group who dressed in 1800’s period attire. While looking for ideas for clothing I came across a picture of an outfit that stopped me in my tracks. What was so stunning? Her gloves! This lady’s gloves were the richest shade [...]

Victorian and Edwardian Hats

By | April 6th, 2011|Categories: Hats|Tags: , , |

Just as most of us will not venture forth from our houses without makeup and earrings on, just so no self-respecting Victorian lady would leave home without a hat. For the purposes of this discussion, we divide the Victorian period into three parts; early (1844-1855), mid (1858-1870) and late 1872-1897 Victorian. Because we are all [...]

Keep your hat perched

By | April 6th, 2011|Categories: Hats|Tags: , , , |

Hat pins! There are few accessories a lady wears that are even more fun than they are functional. Although they enjoyed their greatest popularity between the 1880’s and 1920’s, hat pins are very collectable even today because they are often fabulous, and fanciful. For those who dress in period attire, they are also an indispensable [...]