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So far recollections has created 699 blog entries.

The romance of the ice: Victorian ice skating

By | October 31st, 2021|Categories: Victorian culture, Victorian Era|Tags: , , |

Flirting in the Victorian era was a very involved affair. Rather than the very direct ways that we might express our interest in someone today, looking for romance in the 19th century was about looking for one of the few socially-appropriate ways to engage with the opposite sex and then behaving even more carefully. I [...]

Victorian nightcaps

By | October 28th, 2021|Categories: 1920s fashion, Accessories, Edwardian Era, Edwardian Fashion, Fashion, Underpinnings, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|

I recently wrote a blog post on Victorian nightgowns and found them so fun to look at. I love the idea that so much thought and care was put into garments that wouldn’t be admired by many people. And of course, there is the simple fact that so much of what women wore in the [...]

A brief history of dollhouses and their influencers

By | October 24th, 2021|Categories: History of the home, Women's History|

If you follow the Recollections blog, you may have noticed that I enjoy writing about dolls and novelty items from history. It’s true, I like all things cute. The history of dollhouses has been a topic I’ve looked forward to covering here for some time. I collect dollhouse furniture and have said for many years [...]

Fanny Fern: celebrity journalist

By | October 21st, 2021|Categories: 19th Century Literature, Victorian Era, Women's History|

I love antique etiquette manuals and advice columns. I collect both digital and hard copies and enjoy the beautiful way things are written and seeing how things have changed. There is a really interesting mix of advice that I think is quite timeless and standards that have been outdated for decades depending on the book. [...]

Fun and Happy Vintage Halloween Images

By | October 17th, 2021|Categories: Entertainment, Halloween, Holidays|Tags: , |

Every Halloween I see blog posts and social media posts go around with images of “creepy vintage Halloween costumes.” I do enjoy reading some of them, especially those that source images involving spiritualism or with images that are new to me. But each year I also start to think to myself about what a fun [...]

Victorian opera attire: a feast for the eyes

By | October 14th, 2021|Categories: Accessories, Edwardian Era, Edwardian Fashion, Entertainment, Fashion, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|

Last year I wrote about the history of the cape and how it has come and gone through fashion history. I noticed that during the Victorian era, one’s opera cape held great significance and that they were grand sights to behold. A post about Victorian and Edwardian opera attire has been on my mind ever [...]

The unexpected romantic history of bobbing for apples

By | October 10th, 2021|Categories: Edwardian Era, Halloween, Holidays, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|

There is more to the fall tradition of bobbing for apples than meets the eye! Did you know that it was used by adult party-goers in the Victorian era to flirt and find love? Or that one version of the game was a fire hazard? It didn’t start out as a children’s game, far from [...]

One hundred years of nightgowns: from the Victorian era to the 1950s

By | October 3rd, 2021|Categories: 1920s fashion, 1950s fun, Edwardian Era, Fashion, Roaring 20s, Underpinnings, Victorian fashion, Women's History|Tags: , , |

There is something about cooler temperatures that always gets me thinking about pretty and/or comfy sleepwear. Even though it has been just one week of fall here in Denver, I am already dreaming about flannel nightgowns, terry cloth robes, and Uggs. As often happens, I started to think about the evolution of the clothing item [...]

Polly Pry: daring journalist of the Wild West

By | September 26th, 2021|Categories: American West, Old West, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , , , , |

Polly Pry is a bit of a legend in Colorado. That is because she is directly tied to the notoriety of the most famous people from the state’s history. How so? She is responsible for much of their fame due to being the reporter who put them in the papers. When I first began my [...]