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The history of mistletoe: from naughty Georgians to a Victorian courting custom

By | December 19th, 2021|Categories: 19th Century Literature, Christmas, Holidays, Victorian culture, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: , , , |

Do you hang mistletoe in your home over the holiday season? Do you know that of all the holiday traditions that have both ancient and pagan roots that this is one is among the oldest? Or that it was ever-so-saucy Victorians that turned it into the kissing ritual as we know it today? The history [...]

The TRUTH about sugar plums

By | December 12th, 2021|Categories: 19th Century Literature, Christmas, Holidays, Victorian Era Celebrations|

The word “sugar plums” automatically puts me into a pure winter romance mood. And yet, like many if not most people, I don’t enjoy my holiday eating them. I have never bought or made them. And having done a lot of research on Christmas traditions from the past, although they are widely referenced, I can’t [...]

Madge Syers: breaking the ice on women’s figure skating

By | November 29th, 2021|Categories: Women's History|Tags: , , |

I love studying the beginning of women and sport, especially as it relates to advancements and social change that took place in the Victorian era. Last week I was preparing to give a presentation on women and the bicycle craze of the 1890s and as the temperatures were dropping each day I started thinking about [...]

Elegance at home: Victorian wrappers

By | November 21st, 2021|Categories: Fashion, Underpinnings, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions, Women's History|Tags: , |

I have had a lot of fun exploring nightclothes from the past for the blog this year. And as always, I am a true lover of all things Victorian. As such, the topic of Victorian wrappers has been on my mind for some time.  I love that they mimic the shape of the popular dress [...]

The surprising history of hot chocolate

By | November 11th, 2021|Categories: Christmas, Entertainment, Holidays|Tags: , |

I enjoyed learning about the history of ice skating last week and spent many evenings thinking about what it must have been like to enjoy a night of outdoor skating during the Victorian era. What kept coming to mind were images of bundled-up Victorians enjoying porcelain cups of hot chocolate at some point during their [...]

The romance of the ice: Victorian ice skating

By | October 31st, 2021|Categories: Victorian culture, Victorian Era|Tags: , , |

Flirting in the Victorian era was a very involved affair. Rather than the very direct ways that we might express our interest in someone today, looking for romance in the 19th century was about looking for one of the few socially-appropriate ways to engage with the opposite sex and then behaving even more carefully. I [...]

Victorian opera attire: a feast for the eyes

By | October 14th, 2021|Categories: Accessories, Edwardian Era, Edwardian Fashion, Entertainment, Fashion, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|

Last year I wrote about the history of the cape and how it has come and gone through fashion history. I noticed that during the Victorian era, one’s opera cape held great significance and that they were grand sights to behold. A post about Victorian and Edwardian opera attire has been on my mind ever [...]

One hundred years of nightgowns: from the Victorian era to the 1950s

By | October 3rd, 2021|Categories: 1920s fashion, 1950s fun, Edwardian Era, Fashion, Roaring 20s, Underpinnings, Victorian fashion, Women's History|Tags: , , |

There is something about cooler temperatures that always gets me thinking about pretty and/or comfy sleepwear. Even though it has been just one week of fall here in Denver, I am already dreaming about flannel nightgowns, terry cloth robes, and Uggs. As often happens, I started to think about the evolution of the clothing item [...]

Polly Pry: daring journalist of the Wild West

By | September 26th, 2021|Categories: American West, Old West, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , , , , |

Polly Pry is a bit of a legend in Colorado. That is because she is directly tied to the notoriety of the most famous people from the state’s history. How so? She is responsible for much of their fame due to being the reporter who put them in the papers. When I first began my [...]

The charming history of Christmas in July and what the future holds

By | July 28th, 2021|Categories: Christmas, Holidays|

It has been another great Christmas in July here at Recollections! I loved sharing more tips on creating a great Mrs. Claus costume and loved that I got to share something brand new with you; Frank Baum’s Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. I thought that it might be fun to end the month with [...]

The anatomy of a perfect Mrs. Claus costume

By | July 10th, 2021|Categories: Christmas, Entertainment, Holidays, Women's History|Tags: , , , |

Christmas in July is here! While many of us will be celebrating with warm pool parties or cocktail get-togethers, it is also a great occasion to start putting together a Mrs. Claus costume to use later in the year. I know a lot of our readers enjoy dressing up, and the world can use more [...]

1950s accessories

By | May 16th, 2021|Categories: 1950s Fashions, 1950s fun, Accessories, Fashion, Hats|Tags: , , |

The 1950s was the final decade with fairly prescribed clothing. Once 1960 hit things got a lot less complicated as far as women’s clothing was concerned, and it got there quickly. But looking back, fashion really held onto things during that decade. 1950s accessories were expected, were vast in their variety, and required for completing [...]