Paisley: the history I never knew was a history

By | March 31st, 2022|Categories: Accessories, Fashion, Regency Era, Textiles, Victorian Era|Tags: , , |

Paisley prints are among the most popular here at Recollections, and certainly around the world and through time. The pattern is so popular that it is easy to take it for granted as just sort of always been around without putting much thought into how it became so ubiquitous. At least, that is how I [...]

All about petticoats

By | March 27th, 2022|Categories: Fashion, Underpinnings, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|Tags: , , |

Some people like to dress up, and some people don’t. Personally, nothing makes me feel more regal and confident than a full skirt with a petticoat underneath. Besides this, most of the fashion trends that I have studied involve women’s clothing that required a petticoat to wear properly, yet I have never done much reading [...]

Port Townsend Victorian Festival

By | March 24th, 2022|Categories: Customer's Fashions, Destinations, Recollections, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations, Women's History|

We recently heard from a customer who wrote in to let the Recollections team know how much she was enjoying her new jacket. We always love hearing from happy customers, but when we learned that the jacket had been purchased to wear at the Port Townsend Victorian festival that she was helping to organize, we [...]

Easter Bonnets: A Pastel History

By | March 10th, 2022|Categories: 1950s Fashions, Accessories, Fashion, Hats, Holidays, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|

Well - each time I think I have gone down my favorite rabbit hole researching a blog post for Recollections I quickly find myself tearing myself out of another one. I have planned to do a post this week on Easter bonnets for about a year now, and when I began, it sure was hard [...]

Victorian parasols: dainty and demure

By | March 7th, 2022|Categories: Accessories, Fashion, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|

I love parasols. They are dainty, delicate, and automatically find you feeling demure when using one. While still in use today, they very much peaked in popularity in the Victorian era, when they were seen as status symbols, indications of a sense of style, and yet another flirting tool. I have been looking forward to [...]

Victorian traveling dress: guidelines for a proper lady

By | March 3rd, 2022|Categories: Fashion, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions, Women's History|Tags: , |

The travel bug has bitten me once again! I have been a world traveler my entire adult life and found it challenging to stay put the last two years, though I did gain a lot from doing so. My first trip since the beginning of the pandemic was my glorious Christmas holiday to Tombstone Monument [...]

American Heiresses of the Gilded Age

By | February 27th, 2022|Categories: Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , |

The Gilded Age included dynamics that had never been seen before in American society. The combination of enormous amounts of new wealth and rapid industrial advancements created a brand new way of life for many families. One of these new ways of life was an international lifestyle and more American families living a life of [...]

The look of the New Woman: late Victorian tailored suits

By | February 22nd, 2022|Categories: Fashion, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions, Women's History|

When many of us think about Gilded Age fashions we think of over-the-top evening gowns, bustles, and pure opulence. While these types of styles may have dominated the fashion world of the early Gilded Age, by the end of the century an entirely new look was trending: tailored suits. Made for everything from walking to [...]

Gilded Age Fashions

By | February 17th, 2022|Categories: Style Guides, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|

Last week I shared a short intro to the Gilded Age and how it got its name. It was a time of enormous excess among the upper classes of society and rapidly changing cultural norms as the Progressive Era got underway. These trends are pointedly reflected in Gilded Age fashions worn by women. The excess [...]