Four fashion icons and the history of lipstick

    By | September 5th, 2023|Categories: 1920s fashion, 1950s Fashions, 1950s fun, Fashion, Fashion history, Victorian culture, Women's History|Tags: , |

    I love to wear lipstick and do so almost every day. Occasionally I notice that in casual settings I am the only woman doing so, but there is something about it that makes me feel like “me.” Coloring one’s lips has a history that goes back thousands of years, with it signifying different meanings entirely [...]

      All about August

      By | August 5th, 2023|Categories: Victorian Era|

      Happy August! This time of year just flies by so fast. It’s probably because of all of the extra activity and leaving the house so much. I always like to make sure that I take advantage as the winter sure finds me keeping the company of my apartment so much more.  August is the time [...]

        Women's clothing and sporting in the Victorian era

        By | July 22nd, 2023|Categories: Fashion history, Victorian culture, Victorian Era, Victorian fashion, Victorian Fashions, Women's History|

        If pickleball were trending in the Victorian era rather than today there would have been a very prescribed outfit for playing it. Instead, we ladies throw on whatever is clean and comfortable and then head to the park. Sporting and outdoor leisure for females was a new concept in the 1800s, and etiquette experts scrambled [...]

          A jolly Victorian July

          By | July 9th, 2023|Categories: Victorian Era|

          July means that summer is officially here in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a month full of warmth and celebration, and those Victorians knew how to enjoy it. As we have already explored this year, July was part of the Victorian social season. The formal events of the set season were combined with similar social [...]

            Fussy tussie-mussie: Victorian bouquet holders

            By | June 30th, 2023|Categories: Accessories, Fashion history, Regency Era, Victorian Era, Victorian fashion|

            A few weeks ago I did a post on the history of the corsage. While researching, I came across references to the most delightful accessory 18th and 19th-century women used to carry small bouquets with them. Sometimes called a tussie-mussie and sometimes simply a “bouquet holder,” it is a trinket that I hadn’t given much [...]

              Victorian summer dresses

              By | June 28th, 2023|Categories: Fashion history, Victorian culture, Victorian Era, Victorian fashion, Victorian Fashions|Tags: , |

              Summer is here! It is a great time for freshening one’s wardrobe, with so many opportunities to be seen and to get creative. This year I am enjoying pairing my light sundresses and skirts with the cowboy boots and Western-style accessories I have been collecting over the past couple of years. I enjoy the fact [...]

                Green with Envy: colors in the Victorian Era

                By | June 17th, 2023|Categories: Fashion history, Victorian Era, Victorian fashion, Victorian Fashions|

                “It is not the material worn, but the judicious choice of colors, which indicates the true lady.” ~Color in Dress, 1841 Victorians were nothing if not prescriptive. They were (in general) also very concerned with aesthetics and beauty. The overlap of the two created an emphasis on the “rules” of female dress, including discussions about the [...]

                  Happy National Rose Month!

                  By | June 8th, 2023|Categories: 19th Century Literature, Victorian Era|

                  Did you know that the rose is the official flower of the United States? It became official in 1986 under the presidency of Ronald Reagan, though efforts had been underway since June 1959 when National Rose Month was first observed. I think that roses are a great cause for to join me? I hope that [...]

                    A very Victorian June

                    By | June 4th, 2023|Categories: Victorian culture, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|

                    Let’s talk about June in the Victorian and Edwardian eras! All signs point to it being one of the most popular times of the year, and researching the topic is a joy, not to mention pleasing to the eyes. It was a month of importance. A time of decadence, socializing, and inspiration. Would you like [...]