Serpents, Gold, and Diamonds: The Victorian Roots of Modern Engagement Rings

By | February 4th, 2025|Categories: Accessories, Jewelry, Valentine's Day, Victorian culture, Victorian Era|Tags: , , |

Author: Christine Skirbunt Valentine’s Day is near and no other day on the calendar captures the essence of romance like that conjured by February 14th! The connection between Valentine’s Day and love has its modern roots stretching back to the Middle Ages. Fast forward to the modern era and you will find that from its [...]

Happy Valentine's Day!

By | February 12th, 2023|Categories: Holidays, Regency Era, Valentine's Day, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: |

We love Valentine’s Day here at Recollections! Perhaps it is because the Victorians embraced it so much. Whatever the case, we look forward to it and have enjoyed creating some great content over the last few years. We also love using it as an occasion to express love and appreciation for our customers and readers. [...]

19th-century Valentine's gifts (to make you swoon)

By | February 9th, 2023|Categories: Holidays, Valentine's Day, Victorian culture, Victorian Era|Tags: |

Several months back I came across a framed glove on the Victoria and Albert Museum website. Upon further inspection, I was pleased to discover that it was a Valentine from 1836 from an unknown person to their unknown lover. It got me more than curious about the possibility of other existing 19th-century Valentine’s gifts. I [...]

How NOT to write a Valentine this year

By | February 8th, 2022|Categories: Holidays, Regency Era, Valentine's Day, Women's History|Tags: , |

Have you gotten started on your Valentine’s yet? If not, will you know what to say when you do? Last week we explored the Regency Valentine’s manual for men, Richardson's New London fashionable gentleman's valentine writer, or, The lover's own book for this year : containing a very choice selection of original and popular valentines [...]

Vinegar valentines – a look at Victorian cruelty

By | February 12th, 2021|Categories: Holidays, Valentine's Day, Victorian culture, Victorian Era, Victorian Era Celebrations|Tags: |

It has been such a fun year of writing for Recollections! About this time one year ago I did a lovely series on the delightful documentary A Very British Romance featuring one of my favorite historians, the fabulous Lucy Worsley. One of the things that I learned whilst watching the documentary is that at the [...]

Romance in the post-war years: Episode 3 of A Very British Romance

By | March 3rd, 2020|Categories: Entertainment, Roaring 20s, Valentine's Day, Women's History|Tags: , , , |

I was sad to see the final episode of the BBC’s charming docuseries, A Very British Romance, come to an end with its third episode. I am also a buzz with all of the fun things that I learned about the world of romance and courtship as we know it today, and how some of [...]

A Very British Romance: Episode Two Highlights

By | February 25th, 2020|Categories: Valentine's Day, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , , , , |

Episode two of A Very British Romance covers love in the Victorian era and it did not disappoint! It was so full of great information and charming stories about coupling in the 19th century that I was disappointed when I realized the end credits were rolling! The docuseries’ premise is that all of the courtship [...]

A Very British Romance: Episode One Highlights

By | February 12th, 2020|Categories: Valentine's Day, Women's History|Tags: , , , , , |

There are few areas of modern life that our society obsesses over more than that of romantic love, but it wasn’t always that way. PBS’s A Very British Romance takes a whimsical and academic look at the evolution of coupling and the invention of romantic rituals and customs still in use today. Episode one aired [...]