Christmas on the Frontier

By | July 25th, 2020|Categories: American West, Christmas, History of the home, Holidays, Victorian Era Celebrations|

Christmas on the Frontier must have been a very special time. Daily life for the entire family was a grind and a struggle. Scarce resources meant that everyone was used to life without frills and pretty low expectations about material goods. Living off of the land meant that a strict routine must be followed day [...]

Pioneer Clothing: Accessories Women Wore on the Frontier

By | February 18th, 2020|Categories: Accessories, American West, Old West, Pioneer Dress, Victorian Era|Tags: , , , |

I recently wrote a post on how women in the American frontier dressed as they settled into new lives in the West. I looked at how they adapted their clothing to accommodate their new household responsibilities, how they clung to the fashions of the day and those they were used to and considered feminine, and [...]

Pioneer Clothing: What Women Wore in the Western Frontier

By | February 4th, 2020|Categories: American West, Fashion, Old West, Pioneer Dress, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions, Women's History|Tags: , , |

As many of our readers, I enjoy spending my free time dreaming about owning Victorian gowns and wishing that I could spend more time in the layers, colors, ribbons, and elegance that come to mind when I think of the era. I am also a true woman of the Southwest - an Arizona native and [...]

5 facts about Margaret Tobin Brown (aka The Unsinkable Molly Brown)

By | January 14th, 2020|Categories: American West, Edwardian Era, Edwardian Fashion, Women's History|Tags: , , , , , |

I am a Denver transplant. Having always dreamt about becoming a docent at a house museum (yes, my goals are that specific), one of the first things I did when I moved to the city was to sign up to volunteer at the Molly Brown House Museum, located, luckily, a few blocks away from my [...]

Tombstone, Arizona: Capsule of the American Old West

By | April 8th, 2019|Categories: American West, Old West, Recollections, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions|Tags: , , , , , |

Join Recollections on a trip to Tombstone, Arizona. Experience the Old West as we enjoy this day trip.

Harvey Girls – the Other Pioneers of the American West

By | August 10th, 2015|Categories: American West, Old West, Pioneer Dress, Uncategorized, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The Harvey Girls were an important part of the history of the western expansion remembered today in film and by women’s history enthusiasts excited to uncover the often overlooked role that women played in Frontier America. Their story is a fun mix of American ingenuity, the pioneer spirit, and the use of women’s traditional yet [...]

Old West Fashion

By | November 16th, 2014|Categories: American West, Civil War, Fashion, Old West|

The American West has left an indelible mark on fashion trends on both sides of the Atlantic. Few periods are more distinct than the styles that emerged as civilization came across America and newly-established towns created an environment where ladies could once again aspire to dress as they had when they still lived in the [...]