Pet Pioneers: How Cats and Dogs Traveled Westward

By | January 7th, 2025|Categories: American West, Old West, Victorian Era|

Author: Christine Skirbunt They arrived by ships from all over the world and once they disembarked, they did so for a permanent life in a new land. They came via dirt trails in long wagon trains. Some walked alongside the oxen. Some sat in the rickety wagon. Others arrived in wicker baskets with latched tops [...]

Nellie Cashman: Wild West Angel

By | May 19th, 2022|Categories: American West, Old West, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , |

I have recently returned back to Denver after another great trip to Tombstone, AZ. It was a magical few days full of new friendships, horseback riding, saloons, and of course, history. I picked up a copy of the Tombstone Times while I was out on one of my shopping excursions and was excited to see [...]

Polly Pry: daring journalist of the Wild West

By | September 26th, 2021|Categories: American West, Old West, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , , , , |

Polly Pry is a bit of a legend in Colorado. That is because she is directly tied to the notoriety of the most famous people from the state’s history. How so? She is responsible for much of their fame due to being the reporter who put them in the papers. When I first began my [...]

Bonnets through history: can you tell them apart?

By | July 25th, 2021|Categories: Accessories, American West, Edwardian Era, Edwardian Fashion, Fashion, Hats, Old West, Pioneer Dress, Regency Era, Victorian Era, Victorian Fashions, Women's History|Tags: , , , , |

Last summer I had quite a fun time exploring how the straw hat went from an accessory used mostly by laborers to a shabby chic accessory still enjoyed today. I discovered that bonnets have a similar history, although they started out being used to protect hair while working, were extremely chic for a century or [...]

Lillian Smith: Buffalo Bill’s other female sharpshooter

By | May 23rd, 2021|Categories: American West, Entertainment, Old West, Victorian Era, Women's History|Tags: , |

The long-awaited summer has me thinking about trips to Golden, CO, exploring new mountain towns, and being outdoors. And because of my other interests, it got me thinking about Wild West shows, especially that of Buffalo Bill, given that his museum and grave are in nearby Golden. As a performer, what he accomplished was impressive. [...]

The Farmer’s Wife magazine: elevating the rural woman

By | April 3rd, 2021|Categories: 1920s fashion, American West, History of the home, Old West, Pioneer Dress, Women's History|Tags: , , , |

I think that I could look at old copies of The Farmer’s Wife Magazine all day long. They are an idyllic time capsule of the past, and of a yearning on behalf of so many Americans to hold onto a way of life that was slowly becoming obsolete. It is also fascinating to see the [...]

Recollections is the Best of the West!

By | January 20th, 2021|Categories: American West, Old West, Pioneer Dress, Recollections, Victorian Fashions|Tags: , , , , , , |

Recollections is excited to be selected by True West Magazine as one of their 2021 Best of the West award winners. We have been chosen once again as the Best Western Clothing Maker. The awards are chosen by a survey of readers and people in the “Western” world, so it is a great honor to [...]

Four Soiled Doves of the Wild West who Left Their Mark

By | September 5th, 2020|Categories: American West, Old West, Women's History|Tags: , |

Readers loved the look inside the histories of the famous madams of the Wild West and we heard from a few of you that you’d like us to dig deeper into the topic. As an Arizona girl currently living in Denver, women of the Wild West is one of my absolute favorite historical topics, so [...]

5 Madams of the Wild West and What Made Them Famous

By | August 23rd, 2020|Categories: American West, Old West|Tags: , , |

The Wild West was a world of its own. It was a place where people wrote their own rules, territories governed themselves, and anyone had the potential to build a name for themselves regardless of their past. In a time that provided few career opportunities for women, it also presented the chance for them to [...]