We know that many of you enjoy getting in the mood for holidays with some fun vintage cards so we have put together a selection as just another thank you for being with us. We’ve also discovered some lovely Victorian poems on St. Patrick’s Day by some female writers and collected our favorite lucky fashions for you to browse. 

How are you celebrating St. Patrick’s Day this year? Let us know in the comments. 

Want even more four-leaf clover fun? Check out our St. Patrick’s Day roundup from last year.

St. Patrick’s Day

Jean Blewett

By Jean Blewett

There’s an Isle, a green Isle, set in the sea,
Here’s to the Saint that blessed it!
And here’s to the billows wild and free
  That for centuries have caressed it!

Here’s to the day when the men that roam
Send longing eyes o’er the water!
Here’s to the land that still spells home
To each loyal son and daughter!

Here’s to old Ireland—fair, I ween,
With the blue skies stretched above her!
Here’s to her shamrock warm and green,
And here’s to the hearts that love her!

St. Patrick’s Day

By Eliza Cook
St. Patrick’s Day! St. Patrick’s Day!
Oh! thou tormenting Irish lay—
I’ve got thee buzzing in my brain,
And cannot turn thee out again.
Oh, mercy! music may be bliss
But not in such a shape as this,
When all I do, and all I say,
Begins and ends in Patricks’s Day.

Eliza Cook

Had it but been in opera shape,
Italian squall, or German scrape,
Fresh from the bow of Paganini,
Or caught from Weber of Rossini,
One would not care so much—but, oh!
The sad plebeian shame to know
An old blind fiddler bore away
My senses with St. Patrick’s Day.

I take up Burke in hopes to chase
The plaguing phantom from its place;
But all in vain—attention wavers
From classic lore to triplet quavers;
An “Essay” on the great “Sublime”
Sounds strangely set in six-eight time.
Down goes the book, read how I may,
The words will flow to Patrick’s Day.

Cards courtesy of the amazing New York Public Library digital collections.

Don’t get pinched! Create a St. Paddy’s look of your own: