In 1925, F. Scott Fitzgerald published a novel called “The Great Gatsby”. Set at the height of the Roaring 20’s, the book gave readers a peek at the emotional and material extravagances of the lifestyle of the “rich and famous” of the day, as exemplified in the person of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious business magnate. The current release of the movie by the same name as the novel is not the first. Other film adaptations of The Great Gatsby include:



What fans of the movie have always loved, in addition to the riveting storyline, are the fabulous clothes. The extravagant parties for which Gatsby is famous provide the perfect opportunity to showcase the fabulous lifestyle and even more fabulous fashions – for both men and women – that have become the hallmark of that particular age.

Jay Gatsby is always impeccably dressed no matter what activity he is involved in, and who can resist the gamine qualities of Daisy, as she wears all those slim, floaty, drop-waisted dresses? Given all the accolades about the costuming, it is not surprising to learn that many of the costumes were designed and developed by Prada. The film’s costume designer, Catherine Martin, used existing Prada and Miu Miu looks for a screen test. The clothes looked so good, that Martin approached Mrs Prada to create 40 looks for the film’s party scenes.

While few of us possess the slender, boyish look favored in the 20’s, wearing these styles is usually easier than one would think. To begin with, the dresses usually skim over the body ignoring any curves. The waists are usually dropped, and the fabrics tend to be light and filmy – often with many layers. Hair is cut short, and beads and pearls are worn very long. Don’t be afraid to ornament your hairdo with a wide band of fabric, feathers, or even a bit of jewelry.



If you are interested in trying out the look for yourself, Recollections has recently produced a whole collection of 20’s-inspired clothing, including gowns like the fabulous “Fiona”, daytime wear like the classy “Elena”, and several cloche hats and shawls that will keep you cool and


comfortable as the summer approaches. Given the popularity of “The Great Gatsby”, you will be right in style!