November history news

By | November 30th, 2023|Categories: History News|Tags: |

This is a fun edition of history news! November was a bit slower for obvious reasons, but it was rich and interesting nonetheless. From the history of folding chairs to the history of long hair, this roundup will keep you reading for the entire weekend.  I came across some very unexpected topics. My favorites (besides [...]

Black Friday: five theories and facts

By | November 24th, 2023|Categories: Christmas, Holidays, Thanksgiving|

We hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving! The holiday shopping season is here! We love offering you special discounts as part of the beginning of the holiday shopping season and of course, Black Friday.  Some believe that the term was created to refer to the fact that the holiday season supports retail establishments to [...]

Thanksgiving trivia time!

By | November 21st, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

Happy Thanksgiving! We know it is a big week for many of you, plus the beginning of the shopping season and a flurry of activity. We enjoy being a part of your holiday season and adding some fun to it. As a special thank you for a great year and as a special kick-off to [...]

A very Vintage Thanksgiving to you!

By | November 19th, 2023|Categories: Holidays, Thanksgiving, Uncategorized|

Happy Thanksgiving!  I so enjoy seeing how people from the past celebrated holidays. It is something we have enjoyed covering on the blog over the years (I will link to a bunch of Thanksgiving history posts below). Vintage Thanksgiving magazine covers are a great way to see how society has changed. For instance, these days [...]

Fainting couches: fact or fiction?

By | November 13th, 2023|Categories: Uncategorized|

I love history myths, especially those related to fashion. For instance, I have done extensive research on both misconceptions around the idea that the bicycle craze led to the emergence of women wearing pants (or “bloomers”) and the many myths about the use of corsets in the 19th century. In my study into the history [...]

Seeing red: colors in the Victorian era

By | November 3rd, 2023|Categories: Colors in the Victorian era, Fashion, Fashion history, Victorian Era, Victorian fashion, Victorian Fashions|Tags: , , |

Red is one of the most striking colors and one of the colors found most in nature. It is especially ingrained in humans with it being the third color that babies recognize. Throughout history, it has also been considered the most alluring, with it showing up as a symbol of sensuality in ancient times and [...]

October history news

By | October 31st, 2023|Categories: History News, Victorian Era|

October sure was a great month for history news! I have been looking forward to sharing this roundup for multiple weeks now. A few of my favorites:  -The match safe - a Victorian trinket I had never heard of until now.  -Lois Bell’s passion for fashion -A traveling museum of spooky Victorian artifacts -Female artists [...]

The history of cottagecore

By | October 26th, 2023|Categories: Fashion, Fashion history|

Cottagecore has been one of the biggest trends in “aesthetics” in the past few years and it doesn’t look like it will be a short-lived craze. The interest in the look for both home design and fashion is growing. The look emphasizes history, simplicity, and nature. Recollections is happy to now be offering clothing based [...]

A Victorian interest in apples

By | October 19th, 2023|Categories: History of the home, Victorian culture, Victorian Era|Tags: , |

While they are available now year-round, apples are technically a seasonal fruit for fall. That is probably why so many warm dishes were made with them during the Victorian era. Apples in the Victorian era were a very popular and common ingredient, even served as a dessert dish on their own. There was also a [...]