Recollections is moving into the 21st century!
(and we’re not talking about clothes)

A year ago, we set out on a mission to revolutionize our manual cutting processes. Each piece of clothing – be it a dress, skirt, blouse, or jacket – necessitated meticulous hand cutting using our decades of cherished  patterns. It was a labor of love but quite time-consuming.

In our quest for efficiency, we explored various machines that our small business could afford. We found our perfect match in an Eastman machine. We even had the chance to visit their facility, test out our digitized patterns and fabrics, and have the machine cut our dresses and blouses. It was a thrilling experience!

We’re still in the process of digitizing our patterns, and it might take another year as we have about 1000 unique styles. We began with our crowd-favorites that will start to be cut next week by the machine, with others soon to follow.

The real magic comes in reducing fabric waste. The software cleverly “nests” pattern pieces for each style and size, ensuring less waste and a smarter use of fabric. Plus, the machine cuts fast, consistently, and leaves handy markings for our seamstresses – talk about a game changer!

There will be fewer manual cutter roles, but no worries, our team is versatile and will easily transition into other roles within the company.

This wonderful machine sweeps away the bottleneck caused by the manual cutting process, supercharging our production. And the icing on the cake? You, our dear customers, stand to benefit the most from this precise and speedy automation. Await the installation next week with as much excitement as we do!

automated cutting table