We welcome Spring this week with this caption contest. Your caption can be funny, thoughtful, or even a poem. Our panel of judges will choose from the entries to determine the winners. Each winner receives a $50 gift coupon to use on regularly-priced merchandise at our website! Enter your caption by midnight PT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. There are 6 photos to caption.
How to enter
- Enter only one caption per photo.
- You may caption one or more of the photos.
- Please enter each caption as a separate comment on this blog (comments are moderated and will show up once approved) including 1. the photo number 2. caption 3. your first name and last initial 4. and your town/state (or country)
- We will also accept captions on Facebook. We will then publish your caption in the comments section of the blog. Please include the information listed in #3 above.
- You may email your caption to sales@recollections.biz. We will then publish your caption in the comments section of the blog. Please include the information listed in #3 above.
- By entering the contest, you grant us permission to use your caption on our website, blog, in our newsletter and on other social media platforms.
- Have fun!
- The contest runs until midnight PT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.
- The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges with input from those of you who care to comment on the captions entered. If you like what someone wrote, let us know by commenting on the caption!
- The winners will be notified by Saturday, March 28 through newsletter, blog, and facebook.
- The winner will receive a coupon code worth $50 for use on any regularly-priced merchandise at recollections.biz.
Disclaimer Our Spring 2020 caption contest is not associated with Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Denise M (Port Huron, MI)
Cholera may have been the number one cause of death on the Oregon trail but the trail of pointy boots left along the way speak to a darker, more mysterious plague
Denise M. (Port Huron, MI)
Image #6
After years of trying to win Edward’s devotion away from his ‘perfect’ mother – Kate’s surrender was served in the form of her mother-in-law’s award winning breaded sweet-dough recipe…faithfully replicated and flawlessly laced with arsenic.
Denise M (Port Huron, MI)
#4 Mr. Weathersby may have thought his Vivian a poor excuse for a wife, but she made up for her shortcomings by being a rich and handsome widow.
Denise M (Port Huron, MI)
Image #2
Eleanor had grown up with a strong, practical father and the importance of keeping a healthy stock of dry goods in the pantry was second nature to her. Still, she thought, are these dried beans as good an investment as, say, a cellar full of toilet paper?
1 Shoes and Hats “Hello, lover!”
Debe B
6 In the Kitchen “Moe? Curly? Larry? Who wants pie?”
Debe B Mesa, AZ
5 Toil and Trouble “I think I can fix this before he gets home!”
Debe B Mesa, AZ
4. Getting Ready “Is that a grey hair I see?”
Debe B Mesa, AZ
3 Waiting “I am not raking up these leaves again!”
Debe B Mesa, AZ
Photo #1
“If only Imelda Marcos was here to save me from these ho-hum laces & boots!”
Marcia P. – Indianola, Iowa
2 Shopping “I will start my diet on Monday!”
Debe B Mesa, AZ
#5…Toil and Trouble
“Anything he can do, I can do better!”
Irene C.
Hauppauge, NY
“I hope he gets here before it starts to snow!”
Irene C.
Hauppauge, NY
#1…Boots and Hats
“And to think that Cinderella had only one pair of shoes to try on!”
Irene C.
Hauppauge, NY
#6 This bread recipe is likely the best thing I will get out of that mother of his!
Colleen F, Chesterfield, MI
#5 If he so much as solicits one more requisition and takes repute, I will hurl him into the forge!
Colleen F, Chesterfield, MI
#4 Heavens, these new contractions are handy and dandy now aren’t they?
Colleen F, Chesterfield, MI
#3 Truly, if he takes any longer I may go mad, and they claim women dawdle.
Colleen F, Chesterfield, MI
#2 Now about this tea, is it imported or domestic?
Colleen F, Chesterfield, MI
#5 What, you really thought a lady couldn’t smith?
#1 If none will view the shoes under this long frock why can I not I wear my primsolls?
Colleen F, Chesterfield, MI
Photo #6 In the Kitchen
“Yes, supper’s ready!” (to herself:) “Just wait ‘till he finds out what I’ve done with yesterday’s leftovers! Well, what was I to do with no fruit at all in the house? Casserole-pie doesn’t sound half bad… I… guess?”
Emmaline S.
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Photo #5 Toil and Trouble
“(sigh) ‘Don’t marry a blacksmith’ she said! ‘He falls ill, you’ll do his work’ she said! Well, she was right, but I do think I’m rather enjoying myself, thanks to my new pinner-apron! But somebody please open a window! I am sweltering!!”
Emmaline S.
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Photo #4 Getting Ready
Cedric: “Violet, you look just fine! Now hurry up, the automobile show is about to commence!”
Violet: “I’m coming, I’m coming! But do keep the windows rolled up next time or you shall have to get me a scarf and duster coat!”
Emmaline S.
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Photo #2 Shopping
“The shop keeper mightn’t mind if… I had… one little peppermint? Oh dear, I really shouldn’t!”
Emmaline S.
New Berlin, Wisconsin
Photo #1
“Whew! Ah, there! Not a bad job of it if I do say so myself. But I’m glad they were only laces; I’m horrors with a bottonhook!”
Emmaline S.
New Berlin, Wisconsin
#4 Girl! You got this!
Grace W MN
#6 The kids should be home in 3..2..1..
Grace W MN
#5 One horse down, ten more to go.
Grace W MN
#3 Ugh! What’s Darcy doing on this trail!
Grace w MN
#2 Well…. one piece of licorice won’t hurt the figure.
Grace w MN
#1 It isn’t easy being a size 11!
Grace W MN
1. boots/hats…black ?or brown?they are all so different.but they ALL take a half hour to put on
2..shopping….umh,penny candy.but have they given even a nickels worth of good behavior
3..waiting… he said he would be here after he cleaned the stables,but now im thinking THEY DON’T EVEN HAVE HORSES!
4getting ready….Nobody will look as good as me at this funeral,i’ll show them
5toil and trouble…what is he thinking…i can’t fix horseshoes I’m wearing my good apron
6in the kitchen… Not a smudge of flour on me… sure sally made the pie,but im taking the credit.
bennett d …san francisco
1. “My ankle looks sumptuous in this boot. Now the men will definitely come a courting. I’ll take two pairs!”
2. “If I’m quick I can sneak a gumdrop before Mr. Mercantile returns from the back room.”
3. “I hate waiting for the bus!”
4. “A hat nicely frames the face and completes any outfit. The finishing touches are important ladies.”
5. “I’ve got a pounding headache!”
6. “Adelaide surprised herself, for once she didn’t spill all over her apron while cooking!”
Anna C. , Castro Valley California
#1 Boots & Hats
Decisions, decisions…. A lady can never have enough hats or boots.
#2 Shopping
If this is the strongest coffee then please give me an extra pound, I need the caffeine!!!
#3 Waiting
Any closer and you will be within my 6 foot radius for social distancing.
#4 Getting Ready
Always have that one hair that doesn’t want to stay in place…Sigh
#5 Toil & Trouble
The first Rosie the Riveter was actually Belinda the Blacksmith.
#6 In the Kitchen
Ask me when dinner is going to be ready one more time and I will be throwing it at you!!
Tracy R.
Red Level, AL
6 if he thinks he’s getting one more doughnut! Mary h.
1: Boots and Hats – “Oh yes, that’s the one! See how this boot scandalously accentuates my shapely ankles?”
5: Toil and Trouble – “I bake bread, I cook dinner, I clean the house and now you want me to shoe the horse, too?”
6: In the Kitchen – “I’ve been slaving in this kitchen all day and if he isn’t home soon, I’ll toss this pie right into his face the moment he walks through that door!”
Susan G, North Pole, AK
1. Boots and Hats
“One of these boots is calling my name,
Which pair could it be?
Since I cannot chose, to save from blame,
I’ll purchase them, all three!”
1.) Picking the right shoes for the Duke’s Royal Twister Tournament was never easy.
2.) Here we have a glimpse of the rare Hat-Owl in his native environment
3.) The life of Mrs. Godot.
4.) Barely a hair out of place! No way anyone would know what she had been doing in the back seat…
5.) With half the cavalry waiting for shoes that mail-order bride idea was starting to sound better and better!
6.) Christmas pies with attitude!
#6 of course it’s a Christmas pie. Care to stick in your thumb??
Kathy G.
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
#5 What do you mean you brought your boss home for dinner??
Kathy G.
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
#4 Just a quick look to what I left behind.
Kathy G.
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
#3 Is this far enough for Social Distancing??
Kathy G.
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
#2 I really shouldn’t. One must watch their figure
Kathy G.
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
#1 Are you sure you didn’t see a spider??
Kathy G.
Mt. Clemens, Michigan
1. Boots and Hats: Do I have to wear these pointy shoes? I wonder if anyone will notice if I wear my sneakers?
2. Shopping: Now that will make the perfect wedding gift.
3. Waiting: If he doesn’t hurry, I am going to freeze and my hair will go straight!
4. Getting Ready: If I get that hat at exactly a 45 degree angle, I will be picture perfect!
5. Toil and Trouble: Oh no! Here comes Miss Gossip. I don’t need her telling the whole town what I am doing. This was to be a surprise for Henry the Blacksmith.
6. In the Kitchen: Is she stealing that bread?
Cheryl M, Richmond KY
#1. “One of these JUST HAS TO FIT!:”
#2 ” Bet they will just LOVE THIS FLAVOR”
#3 ” Was he just pullin’ my leg or is he really comin’?”
#4 ” Do I REALLY look like the grieving WIDOW?”
#5 ” HIS hot fire works LOTS BETTER THAN MINE DOES”
#6 ” They darn well better LIKE THIS BATCH”
5. Toil and Trouble – “It’ll be fun for us to share a hobby, we’ll spend more time together, he says, dang blasted varmint ain’t anywhere in sight!
Christine D. Shawnee Oklahoma
1 Boots and hat – “Oh dear, I shall probably be here for hours!”
2 Shopping – Chocolate or not chocolate, that is the question. Whether it’s nobler in the mind……….”
3. Waiting – “Normally the postman is coming on Wednesday, but may be he is earlier with the new catalogue of Recollections.
4 Getting Ready – “some tears in my eyes, and then lets go to that funerary party!”
5 Toil and trouble – “Hope the blacksmoith won’t come back until my chicken is ready”
6 In the kitchen – “Don’t DARE to come back, or I will ……… “
6. In The Kitchen – ” Oh blah blah blah this blah blah blah that, how’d you like these muffins little Miss Muffet right where your tuffit should be!”
Christine D. Shawnee Oklahoma
4. Getting Ready – ” Yes, yes .. I can see them now! He is messing around with Mable, wait till I tell Sally!”
Christine D. Shawnee Oklahoma
Photo #6
“Hot off the press! Girl in frills serves braids in tins.”
Holly W.
Greentown, IN
Photo #5
“Lookin’ spiffy in the smithy.”
Holly W.
Greentown, IN
Photo #4
“Mirror, mirror on the auto,
Who hath fairest face in photo?”
Holly W.
Greentown, IN
3. Waiting – ” Just don’t make eye contact, no no , oh darn their a heading this way!”
Christine D. Shawnee Oklahoma
Photo #3
“Waitin’ for my dearie, an’ happy am I
To hold my heart till he comes strollin’ by.”
(Quoted from “Brigadoon” song, “Waitin’ For My Dearie”)
Holly W.
Greentown, IN
Photo #2
“Surely one dainty confection wouldn’t hurt.”
Holly W.
Greentown, IN
Photo #1
“My fingers, my ankles, my feet.
Ha ha ha ha ha
How shapely and trim and petite.
Ha ha ha ha ha”
(Quoted from Charlotte Church’s “The Laughing Song”)
Holly W.
Greentown, IN
2. Shopping – ” I’ll just mozy in between these barrels and tins and I’ll pretend I’m not listening to a thing they are saying!”
Christine D. Shawnee Oklahoma
1. Boots and Hats – ” Yes Dear, there is such a thing as just the right pair of black boots!”
Christine D. Shawnee Oklahoma
2. What?! No decaf???
6. If I have to make one more flippin’ pie I’m going to lose my @!# *!#@! mind!!!
Nancy L., Stockbridge, MI
1 Boots and Hat – “How do they expect me to wear these crossing the prairie??”
2 Shopping – “Hmmm, I wonder what is in canister Number 3?”
3 Waiting –“Margeaux wondered what could be keeping Jacque, he said he would meet her on the “their” bench at 3:00 and it is half past now.
4 Getting Ready – “Well, if I am going to get caught running bootleg whiskey, I am going to look my best!”
5 Toil and Trouble – “Who said a woman couldn’t be blacksmith? I can hammer iron with the best of them!”
6 In the Kitchen – “The smell of this fresh bread should bring the men running to the table this morning.”
Joanna D, Crestview, FL