We welcome Spring this week with this caption contest. Your caption can be funny, thoughtful, or even a poem. Our panel of judges will choose from the entries to determine the winners. Each winner receives a $50 gift coupon to use on regularly-priced merchandise at our website! Enter your caption by midnight PT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. There are 6 photos to caption.

How to enter

  1. Enter only one caption per photo.
  2. You may caption one or more of the photos.
  3. Please enter each caption as a separate comment on this blog (comments are moderated and will show up once approved) including 1. the photo number 2. caption 3. your first name and last initial 4. and your town/state (or country)
  4. We will also accept captions on Facebook. We will then publish your caption in the comments section of the blog. Please include the information listed in #3 above.
  5. You may email your caption to sales@recollections.biz. We will then publish your caption in the comments section of the blog. Please include the information listed in #3 above.
  6. By entering the contest, you grant us permission to use your caption on our website, blog, in our newsletter and on other social media platforms.
  7. Have fun!


  • The contest runs until midnight PT on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.
  • The winner will be chosen by a panel of judges with input from those of you who care to comment on the captions entered. If you like what someone wrote, let us know by commenting on the caption!
  • The winners will be notified by Saturday, March 28 through newsletter, blog, and facebook.
  • The winner will receive a coupon code worth $50 for use on any regularly-priced merchandise at recollections.biz.

Disclaimer Our Spring 2020 caption contest is not associated with Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

1. Boots and hats
2. Shopping
3. Waiting
4. Getting ready
5. Toil and trouble
6. In the kitchen