In our continuing celebration of the holidays, we’re inviting you to participate in our ‘Caption This!’ New Year Greetings 2017 contest. New Year greetings were very popular during the Victorian era and they were downright weird, sometimes! We compiled 10 vintage New Year greetings for you. Have fun and Happy New Year from Recollections!
- Caption one or caption as many as you would like. You don’t have to caption each photo to win.
- One winner per greeting.
- You can only win once.
- Each winner receives a $50 gift certificate (not including tax and shipping, if applicable).
- Please note the photo number with your caption in the comments section below.
- Please include your first name and last initial, and your city, state/country.
- All comments are moderated before being posted to the blog.
- We’re looking for funny captions in Victorian vernacular that can be easily shared in a public forum (keep it reasonably clean, please).
- Contest ends on January 3, 2017, at midnight (Eastern Standard Time).
- If there is a tie, names will be placed into a random drawing to determine a winner.
- Winners will be notified by email.
1. Children decorate for the holiday
What are they thinking? What could they be talking about? Choose from one or engage in conversation…
2. Cherubs as bartenders
The moon is smiling… is that because this isn’t the first bottle of champagne? What else could the moon be thinking? What could the cherubs be thinking?
3. Bee rampage!
This is a joyous new year? What are the children thinking? What about the bee?
4. Out with the old and in with the new
What is Old Man Time thinking or maybe saying to the Baby New Year? What does the baby think of all of this?
5. Hunting down the new year
What a way to start the new year!?! Caption the dogs, the fox, the horse, and/or the man!
6. Old man moon and the cherubs
With a twinkle and a wink, what kind of advice could old man moon have for the new year cherubs? What are the cherubs thinking of all this?
7. Winter birds
What are these birds talking to each other about? What are they thinking?
8. Man wakes up to a boy on his knee
What would you think if you woke up this way?
9. Have a piggy new year!
Bah, humbug! Who cares about the new year?
10. A beetle looks to the future
Perhaps, this one is the creepiest greeting in the lot…
In Conclusion
Remember that comments are moderated so check back to see everyone’s captions. Don’t forget to tell us the number of the photo(s) you are captioning. And lastly, include your first name, last initial, and where you are from. Have fun!
– Donna
We’d like to thank everyone who entered the contest through the blog, email, and Facebook. The judge was duly impressed and was hard pressed to make a decision! Here are the winners:
1. Deck the Halls but cease the hammering, lest the Silent Night be filled with clammering… Kathy R., Cripple Creek, CO
2. The “Corned Moon” should not be so soon? Perhaps La Lune should drink with a spoon. Heidi C., Fayetteville, NC
3. “Come back, my pretty little flowers!” Andrea L. Poulsbo, WA
4. “As I take my leave of you,
I share the wisdom of ages,
Passed down from year to year to year,
By philosophers and sages.
Be wise, my friend, and hear my words,
For the foolish will suffer sorely:
If you don’t get this kid a diaper,
The new year will go quite poorly.”
Lisa M., College Station, TX
5. So glad I bribed those dogs with a chicken last night. Sarah M., Des Moines, IA
6. Mabel, methinks he a bit of a lecher!! Nan L.
7. I say! Snow’s a bit rough on the old pinfeathers, what? Anna H., Greencastle, IN
8. Hurry wake up, it’s a new year and there is a benjo in the streets that’s getting mafficking! Anna W., Sauk Centre, MN
9. I’ll never bet on anything ever again
Becca S., Plattsmouth, NE
10. Why Mr. Wells is correct: there really are civilized insects on the moon. Christine P., Colorado Springs, CO
3. Bee: “Come back, my pretty little flowers!”
5. Rider: “Ha! This is the life. A merry chase after a foxy vixen and no chaperones in sight.”
7. Birds: “They must be snowbirds. Just look at the state of that broom. It hasn’t been used in months!”
8. Man: “Is this is to be my morning greeting, I’ll never go to bed again.”
9. Pig: “I still think I look better holding a shamrock than an apple.”
10. Beetle: “Twinkle, twinkle little…oh dear, I lost it. Why couldn’t this telescope have come with a pedestal?”
Andrea L, Poulsbo, WA
1. Boy in the middle: “Is there any mistletoe?!”
2. Said the moon to his neighbor, “by Jupiter, this is an excellent brew!”
3. Bottoms up!
4. It’s the dead of winter, couldn’t I at least have a nappy and my blanket??
5. Oh dash it all! Have we been outfoxed again?!
6. And if you are good, I shall sing you a song and if you are naughty…
7. Drat! Is this what it means to be henpecked?
8. Having Tommy make sure I wake for work in the morning sounded good at the time…
9. Mr. Brown took my friend Hammond away this past year and he never came back…with my luck, he’ll take me too by end of this year!
10. Jiminy Cricket, you’re a beauty! My dear Ladybug, I love you from the moon and back!
Lauren T
Corona, Ca
6. If that moon break you heart, Tootsie, you’ll always have me.
1..Jacl’s wishing you guys a healthy new year, too,….2. Look guys we’re being photographed. 3.I’m ‘stung” by your actions.. 4. Watch those hands pops, you’re getting too close for my comfort. 5 C’mon fellas, let’s run out the old year. 6. Don’t ever use ‘Hookas’, they are worse than cigarettes. 7. Pssst. Don’t tell Scarlet, but her beau just flew-off with a Robin. 8.Whoa Timmy, I’m not in the mood for horse-play. 9. Your luck just ran out. You’re fried.. 10..Ringing out the old year with Ringo on the flute.
1) “Are you sure mama said you could use the hammer?”
2) Cherub in Green: “Ah, this man in the moon will be down quite soon.”
3) Beehave this New Year!
4) Old man: “My poor boy, it’s going to be a long 365 days for you.”
5) Dog under hurdle: “I would have been happier with a New Year’s nap by the fire.”
6) Cherub: “Careful now, he thinks he’s the harvest moon.”
7) “But mama, I thought birds went south for the winter.”
8) This young man, he played three, he played knick-knack on my knee….
9) Survived Christmas and the apple, but now it’s New Year’s and everyone wants my hocks for their black-eyed peas.
10) Why Mr. Wells is correct: there really are civilized insects on the moon.
Christine P., Colorado Springs, CO
1. Girl at the left thinking: Those chatterboxes! My arms are about to fall off!
2. Moon: [Hiccup!] Don’t they notice I shouldn’t [hic] be a sickly green! [belch]
3. Bee: BEE good this year!
4. Baby: Apologies, Pops, can’t hold it any longer.
5. Man: Embarrassing! As one can see we are not going to clear the fence!
6. Moon: Watch your diet this year or you’ll end up looking like me!
7. It’s so cold even our wee becomes ice!
8. I’m not in Kansas anymore!
9. New Year’s greetings for someone you dislike.
10. Grass is greener over there… mighty nice legs on that female!
1: “Shut your tatar-trap and hand me the hammer or I shall give you a cop a mouse!”
2: The only night of the year were nobody notices if the moon is as sloshed as they.
3: “You may be bricky, but I am not!”
4: 11:57, 11:58, 11:59, midnight!!! Now in 12 months, you shall look as old as I!
5: My new years resolution was to give up these gas-pipes, so I shall start after this fox!
6: It’s always nice to see your gigglemugs this early in the year!
7: Happy new year my Chuckaboos!
8: Hurry wake up, it’s a new year and there is a benjo in the streets thats getting mafficking!
9: I know, I’m a rather butter upon bacon to this calendar!
10: An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves. – Bill Vaughan
3. May your New Year bee full of sweet dreams!
7. I say! Snow’s a bit rough on the old pinfeathers, what?
9. Here’s to good luck via four leaf clover,
Aren’t we thrilled that the past year is over?
10. By the pricking of my beetle thumbs, a giant seabird this way comes!
Anna H.
Greencastle, IN
1. Hammer lightly but carry a big stick.
2. He said it helps to turn blue.
3. That’s the last time I’ll buy his brand of honey!
4. Stick around a while and eventually you will sit in this chair.
5. Tally ho! Plum-pudding awaits us!
6. He’s about ready to shout out again!
7. Hang out a while longer. The lady of the house needs to don her boots today!
8. You want ME to go to the New Year’s Day Parade?
9. Hooray! I made it through another pig roast unscathed!
10. Crinkle, crackle, watch out or I’ll smack you.
Photo 9: “Ye seem to be a bit ‘poked up.’ Is that why ye got the ‘morbs’?”
Mary R.
Milton, Florida
Ellen C, Union Grove, AL
Photo 1. Don’t smash your finger this time or just let the girls do it.
Photo 2. Being the man in the moon has its perks.
Photo 3. This could be a pain in the arse!
Photo 4. Move over “old Man” it’s my turn!
Photo 5. “Run Red run”
Photo 7. Two points per basket.
Photo 8. Wake up, Wake up, you are wasting daylight!
Photo 9. Lucky me, on the fence again.
Photo 10. I spy with my little eye…….
1) Deck the Halls but cease the hammering, lest the Silent Night be filled with clammering…
2) Alas, the Man in the Moon has turned blue, since a libation is long overdue; fill the glasses again, tho the year’s on the wane, and cheers to friends old and new.
3) When Mr. B comes to call, dash away, dash away all!
4) Have you got a minute?
5) Giving chase is quite fun, unless you are the fox on the run!
6) I have been around and around and around for a long time…
7) Whose idea was it not to go south for the winter?~
8) Not the headache remedy preferred…
9) Bon chance the French toast, to luck and not to roast!
10) By Jove, just as I thought, it IS made of green cheese!
Kathy R
Cripple Creek, CO
Photo #8: “Sir Humphry gets diagnosed with restless leg syndrome”
Photo #9: “And this little piggy had a hangover January first”
Photo #2: “It’s time for your nightcap, Mr. Moon”
Sal S. Medford, New York, USA
1- “Jeepers! On Downtpn Abbey they had Mr. Carson and his staff to do this sort of thing!”
2- The Origin of Moonshine
3- “Yikes! I’ve heard of getting a little BEE-Hind in our work, but this is ridiculous!”
4- “Does anyone know when they will finally invent the diaper…?”
5- “Hold up, fellas! I think I gotta cramp!”
6- “You’re late, kids. Did you remember to set your clocks for Daylight Savings Time?”
7- “Stop complaining you are cold! If you had listened to me we could have been in Miami by now!”
8- “No, I am not Ebenezer Scrooge and you are not Tiny Tim!”
9- Okay, I survived Christmas… Now if I can just get through Easter…”
10- Beetle Pan searching for the second star to the right and straight on till morning.
2. The “Corned Moon” should not be so soon? Perhaps La Lune should drink with a spoon.
3. May your “bees” bring friends and not stings.
4. Baby New Year always gets his hourglass but never a nappy.
9. Sending a lucky clover to my favorite jollocks to aid in your yearly resolution.
10. How am I to bring resurrection to a New Year’s still when the orb of night refuses to fill?
Heidi C. Fayetteville NC
6. Mabel, methinks he a bit of a lecher!!
8. I say, do you know the way to San Jose?