Serpents, Gold, and Diamonds: The Victorian Roots of Modern Engagement Rings

By | February 4th, 2025|Categories: Accessories, Jewelry, Valentine's Day, Victorian culture, Victorian Era|Tags: , , |

Author: Christine Skirbunt Valentine’s Day is near and no other day on the calendar captures the essence of romance like that conjured by February 14th! The connection between Valentine’s Day and love has its modern roots stretching back to the Middle Ages. Fast forward to the modern era and you will find that from its [...]

What is a Chatelaine?

By | May 20th, 2015|Categories: Accessories, Jewelry, Trinkets|

The versatile chatelaine has been worn over the centuries by women all over the world. Women in ancient Rome wore chatelaines with ear scoops, nail cleaners, and tweezers. Women in Roman Britain wore 'chatelaine brooches', and in the 16th century wealthy Dutch ladies wore them as watch chains. In spite of the great variety of [...]