Dear Ladies (and now gents too)
I have been meaning to send you these pictures of me in my three dresses
from your company for awhile now but now I see all the other "Red Hat"
ladies I must send mine along too.
The first picture is when I was going out to tea with my Red Hat Chapter.
The second picture is at my very first Red Hat Funvention here in Victoria.
I dyed the white batiste dress but the acetate lace did not pick up the dye
so it shows white on a lavender background.
And the third picture is at a Red Hat Mardi Gras across the pond in
Vancouver, BC Canada
As you can see your clothing is very versatile, fits in to every Red Hatters
wardrobe and after my e-mail to you about Red Hatters you introduced a whole
line of irresistible items, of which I am extremely proud to recommend. In
fact at last years Funvention in Portland they were even raffling off
tickets to one of your outfits!
Thanks again for everything you do to keep us sensible ladies outfitted in
the best garments in North America.
Your ever faithful customer,
Merville H.
AKA Queen by Default of the Red Hat Angels,
Victoria, BC

If you have photos and/or stories to share, please contact us at sales@recollections.biz or 1-800-452-5925